The death of the sentence - review

hello richard i've just finished reading the death {of the} sentence though only once a {singularity} perhaps (theres a book called the poetics of singularity by somebody called tim clark [i think]) but i was interrupted by colliding moons & an intense desire to drink at your cocktail bar just the one the singular a shot of the old multifarious with an umbrella while novas & novels burst joys grape upon the palate (palette? pallet?) fine & dandy but now i dont know whether this sentence should go forwards or backwards unwinding to the source in a great big bang or a whimper or clustering round the zero spot the primal scratch (birdsong before there were any birds at least to speak of) & why speak of birds when it is possible to sing {so they say} & why sentence ourselves to this endlessly unfolding ending as the winged pamphlets flutter down like snow & roses from space (making a space for roses & snowstorms) kicking up a silent storm of wings in a space opened for poetry {thankyou}

David Punter, Professor of Poetry, University of Bristol