Best Lines/Titles
Published by Richard Doyle,
the novel that crushed civilization
the sound of one poet wrestling
A book of fragments, episodes, anecdotes, jottings, ramblings, scramblings
Z is for Zero
Taking over my life, it shouldered me out of the picture, grew horns and wings until it became the shipmate to my loneliness, my skullshot to happiness
Balancing Act
make sloth your enemy, explode from the trees
The Multifarious Moons of Saturn
untie the tangled light-years, tremble as they fall
The country that ate itself
The sea washed around the sandpits where we played.
Death Certificate
Who cares about the fucking dinosaurs?
The only novel I could ever write
Whale-heads, plumb makers, hic, crown your boards in dragons’ teeth.
Pushbike Passion